Procedure for Getting Contact Lenses | Contact Lens Exam

Procedure for Getting Contact Lenses | Contact Lens Exam

Dec 01, 2022

If you have a prescription for contact lenses, you need to get a contact lens test near you annually to ensure they are fitting properly and not damaging your vision. Contact lens exams are different from eyeglass exams. During the exam, an eye doctor will check your eye health and vision to ensure you’re a good candidate for wearing contact lenses. They’ll also talk to you about your lifestyle habits and preferences so that they can prescribe the right contact lenses for you.

The Step-by-Step Process of Contact Lens Examination and Getting Contact Lenses

You must first get a contact eye exam in Mississauga, ON, to get your contact lenses. The eye specialist will perform several steps:

  • Examining your eyes

Before getting contact lenses, it is essential to have an eye examination. They will look for any problems with your vision and discuss possible prescriptions. They will also ask you questions about your lifestyle and eye health. Having your eyes checked is important because contact lenses must be fitted properly to avoid any problems. The lenses will cause discomfort and blurred vision if they do not fit correctly. Additionally, improper fitting contact lenses can lead to corneal abrasion and infection.

  • Getting a prescription

When getting contact lenses in Mississauga, you need the right prescription. This prescription is your ticket to ordering the lenses of choice online, by phone, or through the mail. Contact lenses can correct several refractive errors, including astigmatism.

Your written prescription should include the contact lens brand name, diameter, power, and any extra figures for astigmatism and presbyopia correction. It will also include the name and expiration date of the contact lens, which is usually one year from your check update.

  • Getting a contact lens fit

The first step in getting contact lenses is to see an eye doctor, who will examine your eyes and discuss the types of lenses available. Your eye doctor will ask questions about your lifestyle and your allergies to determine which types of contact lenses will be best for your specific needs. Once the doctor has cleared you to wear contact lenses, you’ll be allowed to have several follow-up appointments.

Next, you’ll get a trial pair of contact lenses. These lenses don’t come with a prescription but are designed to check the fit and placement of the lens on your eye. During these trials, you’ll wear the lenses while moving your eyes to ensure they fit correctly. If you have any discomfort or difficulty wearing the lenses, let your eye doctor know, and he can give you a different pair of lenses.

Aftercare Tips For Contact Lenses

Taking care of your contact lenses is crucial to maintaining your eye health.

  • Clean your contacts

Contact lens cleaning is a crucial part of maintaining the lenses. It should be performed daily with the recommended cleaning solution. After rinsing, the lenses should be stored in their case for a minimum of 24 hours. During this time, they must be carefully handled by a qualified eye care professional. You must also avoid touching the tips of the lenses with your fingernails.

The contact solution should be in a container with a tight lid, preventing it from sticking to your hands. This solution also helps maintain moisture, which is essential for comfort and eye health. Additionally, eye drops can be used to soothe dry eyes. It is important to follow the directions given by your eye care professional when using contact lenses.

  • Wash your hands

You should also clean your hands when handling your lenses. Use a mild soap without any perfume or lotion. These will leave a film on the lenses and can irritate your eyes. It would help if you also kept your nails short, as long fingernails can scratch the lenses. Make sure you remove your makeup before handling your contacts.

  • Replace contact lenses

Contact lenses should be replaced after some time. The solution should be changed regularly, as bacteria can develop in it. Moreover, you should clean the case thoroughly, rinsing it with a sterile solution after each use. Be sure to replace the case every three months. Also, discuss your lens care habits with your eye care professional to avoid eye infections.